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With their brand new Cash Making Affiliate Sites system no one will be left behind because they either don’t like videos or don’t like to read written manuals ! Your comfort level with this life changing course and automated system is what is most important to them ! In fact, here is a glimpse of what you are about to receive and discover:
MODULE #1: Niche Seeker… Locating profitable niches with ease!
You’re going to learn the secrets to finding the most powerful niches to attack. Which products within that niche to concentrate on. Which statistic really matter to you and which ones you can ignore. How to use the tools in clickbank and google to ensure you’ve chosen winners…
MODULE #2: Affiliate Foundation…How to set up your new affiliate business the RIGHT way.
We are going to virtually take you by the hand and walk you through the step by step instructions of setting up each and every system you need to have you entire affiliate empire a mouse click away ! You’ll have video and written tutorials on. Domain selection and purchase. Hosting All of your list building tools. Wordpress platform…
MODULE #3: Keyword Research…Baiting the trap for higher profits !
This is where the traffic begins. How to find the keywords that will bound past the “competition”. Advanced usage of google best working tool…such as- Keyword External, Wordtracker, WonderWheel, and a comprehensive guide into the covert uses of Adwords tools!
MODULE #4: Wordpress Mastery … How to use this powerful free application to EXPLODE your affiliate business – FAST!
We show you be taught exactly how to operate your free wordpress account. How to add the plugins that really blow conversions through the roof. How to install you Affiliate Profit Multiplier Software that we had custom designed just for members of the Cash Making Affiliate Sites Team, this is the only software of its kind and it give you the power to mass-produce FREE professional affiliate sites!. The secret techniques that will place your new affiliate sites head and shoulders above your “so called” competition!
Best of all…you need absolutely zero prior knowledge of web design or wordpress, if you can turn on your computer and click on your mouse…we’ll teach you how to be a master at building free professional websites as often as you want…(believe me, when you see how much money just one of these sites can make, you’ll want to build these babies day and night!)
MODULE #5: Content Crusher … Get quality content EASY!
This is where we get into the “nitty gritty” of how you’re going to fill your sites (for free) with EXACTLY what a buyer wants to see. You don’t ever want to waste your very valuable time on “tire kickers” (people who shop but never buy)”, you are in this to sell through your affiliate link, that means your site are for buyers! Never forget, you are an affiliate marketing business owner now…your time is supremely valuable! With the content sources and skills you’ll master in this part of the course you attract buyers, and if they weren’t buyers when they came to your sites…they will be by the time they leave and go to buy through your affiliate link !
MODULE #6: SEO... Two Flavors, One Result -- TRAFFIC!
This module is an introduction into two of the most powerful modules in the course! You’ll find that On-Page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is exactly what it sounds like; very specific, targeted additions you make while building your sites that will make the search engine very happy with your site. They have already discussed how important SEO is to your Web Business. They talked about the importance of applying SEO tactics to your websites and they are now going to share with you the things you need to do behind the scenes of your website that are crucial to driving traffic to your site.
MODULE #7: Off-Page SEO... Open the Flood Gates and Step to the Side For Your Own Safety!
Your affiliate sites are about to race to the top of the search engine result…doesn’t get much simpler than that ! If you can turn your computer on and click your mouse…we’ll teach you everything else you need to know to get your sites ranked on top of the first page ! You’re about to master every secret & covert, yet legal (yes LEGAL, if you use “blackhat” techniques to artificially raise your ranking you will be found and penalized) technique available today ! They’ve learned an amazing amount of tricks and you’re gonna get them all, you’re gonna have all of the tricks the other guys don’t want you to know, such as : Advanced Backlinking tactics, Backlink tracking, Article content tricks, Using Common Forums for extraordinary results, The often miss-used Social Bookmarking tricks that change the whole game (there are guys out there charging $197 just for what’s in this module!), RSS feeds as a weapon!, Press Releases, And they saved the best for last…. Their Off-Page SEO Secret Weapon! They can’t say any more here, but they’ll tell you this much…this one weapon is more than worth the price of this or any course you’ve ever bought!
MODULE #8: On-Page SEO... Secret Server Crushing Traffic Methods Anyone Can Do!
On-Page SEO is exactly what it sounds like…specific additions you make to your free websites to make the search engine “spiders” (electronic hall monitors) see all of the components that make up a great site…a site that deserves a #1 ranking! Thanks to our Affiliate Profit Multiplier System Software, you’ll be able to do everything you need done by yourself with ease! If you can click a mouse, you can optimize your free sites to the highest level ! They’ve been able to boil this down to a purely mechanical process for you to follow, no mystery or voodoo ! What you’ll learn in just this one module will put you head and shoulders above the competition !
Here’s just a short list of the topic you’ll master in this module-
Keyword density
Title Tags
Meta Tags
H1 Tag
Alt Tags
Duplicate Content
Time on Page
Both Kinds of Site Maps
And all of the other secret tricks that both suck in the spiders AND and emotionally attach your readers to your free websites
MODULE #9: Pay Per Click... Easy Targeted Traffic For Next To Nothing !
PPC is an incredibly powerful force for driving traffic to your sites. You’re going to learn the newest, most advanced tactics for starting and maintaining a successful PPC campaign. Now these techniques are ridiculously effective at driving highly targeted buyers to you sites, but they also fall outside of our mission to have you start your new affiliate marketing business for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day. These are advanced tools and techniques, you’ll want to implement them as soon as your budget allows. You’ll soon discover that a $100 PPC campaign can easily yield you between $500-$1000 in income! So even though this is advanced stuff, we promised you that we would hold nothing back! You are going to get step by step videos and manual detailing every step of a profitable PPC campaign!
MODULE #10: Web 2.0 Social Media Marketing... Traffic As Simple As Inviting A Few Friends Over!
A World Wide Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with other users or to change website content giving everyone the ability to communicate endlessly across the globe. Social media describes websites that allows users to share content, media, etc., such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Linkedin. Methods of SMO include blogging, RSS feeds, videos, images, social bookmarking, and many more. Viral marketing is, in essence, the “word of mouth” of the 21st century.
MODULE #11: List Building... Build Enormous Lists of Rabid Fans That Want What YOU’RE Selling!
This is the rallying cry of all great marketer's…build your list! They’ll my friend, you going to learn everything we know about list building, how to design the perfect opt-in form for each one of your niche specific sites, step by step instructions how to set up your list, making your list love you, the exact timing and operation of your auto-responder series, and a few dirty little trick that make all of the difference in the world… A huge portion of our income is brought in specifically due to our many lists. They’re going to teach you how to build your own 7 figure list !
MODULE #12: Affiliate Profit Multiplier Software... How to setup and use your powerful APM software!
This is for Cash Making Affiliate Sites Owners Only! As a Cash Making Affiliate Sites Business Owner, you have exclusive unlimited usage. We have undertaken the burden and cost of having a top programmer develop a turn-key software system that empowers you with the ability to repeatedly punch out income producing websites for free…yep we said it, FREE! How’s that for a return on your investment ! You’ll receive extensive training on this amazing software to the point that if you have no idea how websites are designed, you’ll be producing your own the same hour ! The complete Cash Making Sites comprehensive training course and Affiliate Multiplier push button profit system is a game changer...
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