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RESPeRATE is the only non-drug therapy cleared by the FDA for the treatment of high blood pressure and the reduction of stress. It is the first medical device that has been CLINICALLY PROVEN to lower blood pressure.
RESPeRATE is a portable computerized device that guides you through sessions of therapeutic breathing, powerful enough to lower blood pressure.
People spend so much money on drugs in their attempt to reduce blood pressure, while RESPeRATE can help them lower blood pressure in 30 days and at a lower cost.
Why Do People Choose RESPeRATE Over Competitors ?
- FDA Cleared for the treatment of high blood pressure and the reduction of stress
- A significant sustainable all day blood pressure reduction can be achieved within 30 days with only a few 15 minute sessions per week
- Clinically proven in 10 different clinical trials to lower blood pressure
- No medical prescription required, No side effects
- Doctors Recommend
365 Bloomfield Ave
MontClair, NJ 07041
Manager: Maya Tako
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